Galerie Gugging

franz kamlander & co: ‘animal efforts’

16/02/2017 - 09/05/2017

Opening: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 7 pm
Duration: February 16 until May 9, 2017

The animal world in all its facets is fascinating and is also in art brut again and again chosen as a theme. The Gugging Artist Franz Kamlander became famous for his drawings and paintings of animals. Coming from a farm in Lower Austria, his clear favourite theme was the depiction of cows. The dear “cattle” – that is the name of mostly domesticated farm animals in agriculture – was drawn and painted by him in countless variations as a symbol of his youth, which he spent at home. For him and all his artist colleagues, it is not a matter of creating as natural an image of an animal as possible, but of conveying the emotions of this animal. Feelings of animals are represented and the perception of these feelings by the artist.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Nina Katschnig & the gallery gugging team
