Galerie Gugging

zemánková anna

(1908 - 1996)

Anna Zemánková was born in 1908 in Olomouc, Czech Republic, and died in 1986. Her fantastical plant images, which consist of arabesques, geometric figures, and organic forms seem to float, fight, or dance on the sheet. She experimented with various materials such as coloured pencils, ballpoint pen, pastels, or tempera, and used textiles like fake diamonds, sequins, or pearls for her paintings, some of which she perforated or embossed. Her works can be found in the Museum de Stadshof, Netherlands, the Collection de l’Art Brut, Switzerland, and in the Anthony Petullo Collection, USA, among others. In 2013, her works were already represented at the Venice Biennale as well as in 2024.
