Galerie Gugging

austrian reading day | johann feilacher reads from “MELLITIUS.!”

Video on YouTube


The video can be seen on our YouTube channel.


We are pleased to participate at this year’s AUSTRIAN READING DAY.

Prof. Dr. Johann Feilacher will read from the catalogue of the exhibition of the same name MELLITIUS.! august walla: food passion – his amusing description about August Walla’s passion.

Visit us on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 2 pm in the gallery – we are looking forward to seeing you!


*** TIPP ***

This afternoon two more readings will take place in the museum gugging:

2.30 pm: Florian Müller reads from “Jeder Mensch ist eine Insel”,  Florian Pennwieser

2.45 pm: Irene Vonderlind reads from “Der Hase”, Ernst Herbeck
