Galerie Gugging

…chaotic! – alfred neumayr & arnold schmidt

22/02/2018 - 04/05/2018

Opening: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 7 pm
Duration: February 22 until May 4, 2018

chaotic: confused, disordered; unwilling or incapable of keeping order (Duden)

Opposites attract. With this in mind, we are pleased to present “…chaotic!” – alfred neumayr & arnold schmidt at the beginning of the year. You may have the impression of chaos when you look at the works of these two artists. At first glance Alfred Neumayr’s and Arnold Schmidt’s works have nothing in common, perhaps not even at second glance, but on closer inspection one seems to recognize a common system: in the seemingly chaotic a certain degree of attempted order and harmony can be found. A contradiction?

„In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order

 “I’m asking myself: What is order? Chaotic order? I’m quite chaotically confused!!”  

Alfred Neumayr


The main thing for Alfred Neumayr, who is a daily visitor to the open studio programme in Gugging since 2011, is occupation, as he says himself. After being encouraged by a friend, the trained offset printer began painting his first acrylic paintings in 2005. In the open studio in Gugging the native Lower Austrian continued his painting in acrylic. Relatively soon after his first visits to Gugging, however, he began to experiment with different feathers and inks. Gradually his interest for drawing increased, the lines got more delicate, the format bigger and bigger and the time exposure longer and longer. Especially the material plays an important part. As a base frame he uses different canvases or cardboards, paper is rarely used. In the course of time, Neumayr developed his very own technique. He applies, scratches off, works in coloured ink or pencil, dilutes or mixes. The resulting images resemble geographical formations, fantasy worlds or mythical creatures and are emphasized by imaginative titles. The diffuse representations leave ample room for association and interpretation. Whether at the Drawing Now in Paris, the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne or the premises of the gallery gugging, his works enjoy great attention.


“Chaotic: Confused, imagination, setting, island, bear, water, Tuesday!”

Arnold Schmidt

Contrary to Neumayr’s detailed pieces, the works by Arnold Schmidt are full of pure energy. His stroke seems fast, almost impatient. Since 1986, “Andi” has lived in the House of Artists in Gugging. The arriving employees and visitors are always welcomed by a fresh “Good Morning” and with the question, if he could be helpful. Schmidt’s works are striking in their expressiveness. The cheerful nature starts with a simple circle and from that all sorts of figures, birds, bicycles and aeroplanes of all sizes develop. With the assistance of oil crayon, pencil or acrylic, a dense structure of lines on canvas or paper evolves, that exerts a big pulling effect on the beholder. With his fast, dynamic stroke, he first illustrates the motif with oil crayon and subsequently paints over it with watercolours. Sometimes it can even happen that a work perforates through the firmly usage of colours. Also “Andi” is a regular visitor of the open studio programme in Gugging and works in close vicinity to Alfred Neumayr. His pictures can be found in many private and public collections, such as the Collection Hannah Rieger or the Lower Austrian Regional Collection, St. Pölten.

This exhibition gives insights in the versatile oeuvre of the two artists from the beginnings till now and gives visitors the opportunity to get to know never seen works.

During this exhibition, we are happy to celebrate Alfred Neumayr’s 60th birthday in March. From October 30 until November 25, 2018 also a solo exhibition will be dedicated to him in the Minoritenkloser in his hometown Tulln.

We are very much looking forward to this exhibition and to welcoming you!
