Galerie Gugging

SCANTILY: NUDITY IN VERNACULAR ART – works by johann garber & alfred neumayr in new york

17/07/ - 14/09/24


The history of the nude runs as far back as art itself. The human nude is the ultimate universal subject — timeless, possessed by all, and yet highly individual and subjective. Scantily – the newest show of our partner gallery Ricco/Maresca in New York – presents depictions of the nude or partially nude form, as conceived mostly by vernacular, self-taught artists, both known and anonymous. In the art created on the margins of the academy, the human body stands unfiltered by the lens of academia and is instead the full product of the artist’s experience. We are delighted that works by the Gugging Artists Johann Garber & Alfred Neumayr are among the exhibited artists.
