Galerie Gugging

“GROW – The Tree in Art” in the Belvedere Museum Vienna

23/09/22 - 08/01/23


We are pleased to draw your attention to the exhibition “Grow – The Tree in Art” at the BELVEDERE in Vienna. Mysterious, bearer of knowledge, silent observer: The tree is deeply rooted in culture – as a mediator between the divine and the human, as an object of science, and as a warning sign for ecological (mis)developments. In dedicating an exhibition to the tree that spans numerous styles and epochs, the Belvedere is focusing on a central subject in art history and its complex relationship with humankind.

Visitors can admire artworks by the Gugging Artists Johann Korec and Oswald Tschirtner in this presentation.

Curated by Miroslav Haľák.

It’s worth a visit!
