Galerie Gugging

vondal karl

(1953 - 2024)

Karl Vondal was born in 1953 in Obersiebenbrunn, Austria, and has been living in the House of Artists in Gugging since 2002, where he suddenly passed away unexpectedly in May 2024. Vondal had a particular fondness for erotic depictions. “His” naked women and copulating couples appear in delicate pastel shades and find themselves under palm trees on islands or above the rooftops of towns and villages. At times, he weaved texts around his depicted objects, which – like his depictions – deal with sexual and culinary pleasures, an enjoyable life and distant lands. His works can be found in the Museum of Everything, England, the Treger/Saint Silvestre Art Brut Collection, Portugal, and in the Helmut Zambo Collection, Germany.
