Galerie Gugging

BIOTOP ART BRUT. Works from the Hannah Rieger Collection

Museums of the City of Aschaffenburg | 28/09/24 - 09/02/25


We kindly recommend the exhibition in the Museums of the City Aschaffenburg | Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche in Aschaffenburg, Germany.

A number of artworks from the Hannah Rieger Collection will be presented here. A total of 77 artworks by 46 artists are on display, including artworks by the Gugging Artist Laila Bachtiar, Johann Fischer, Franz Gableck, Johann Hauser, Franz Kamlander, Franz Kernbeis, Johann Korec, Heinrich Reisenbauer, Karoline Rosskopf, Arnold Schmidt, Oswald Tschirtner, Karl Vondal as well as by Ida Buchmann, Michel Nedjar, Misleidy Castillo Pedroso, Leopold StroblLeoš Wertheimer and Anna Zemánková.
